User talk:Moxfyre

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Suspected labeling error on hyperbolic discounting chart diagram[edit]

Hi Moxfyre, thanks so much for your contributions. Please can you check out image below. I believe the labels for exponential vs hyperbolic need to be swapped around. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs)

The labeling is correct. See the source code used to produce the figure. Why do you say there's something wrong with it? — Moxfyre (t|c) 17:04, 20 June 2014 (UTC)Reply[reply]

artist credit for one of your photos[edit]

The picture of the black bear at Shenandoah, for a National Park quarters book. Happy to give you photo credit. Please contact me at Thanks!

artist credit for one of your photos[edit]

Hi, I'm planning to use one of your public domain photos in a commercial product I'm releasing later this year, and am contacting you to find out if you'd like to be credited by name. Could you contact me at Thanks.

Hey, hey! Not exactly, look at the source code of my SVG, there's no linking to any png whatsoever. Hołek ҉ 08:37, 15 March 2009 (UTC)Reply[reply]

TUSC token 1e9b0ea3e848f0f435a5d3c0f1c6aab8[edit]

I am now proud owner of a TUSC account!

Thanks for uploading this image. Since it's based on en:File:Aliasing-plot.png, a GFDL image, it can only be released under the GFDL, and the disclaimers on it must be preserved. I have removed the CC-BY-SA tag accordingly. Stifle (talk) 11:22, 23 April 2009 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Ah, thanks. I was unsure whether it would be a derived work of the PNG version... since I didn't actually *use* the PNG at all in creating it. I just looked at the PNG and then made a similar-looking graph. Does that still count? Moxfyre (talk) 13:37, 23 April 2009 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Probably; same way as if you looked at a Disney movie and made a drawing of Mickey Mouse. Stifle (talk) 18:13, 23 April 2009 (UTC)Reply[reply]

TUSC token 1bd0d679d9944ff497c2a1436c5817dc[edit]

I am now proud owner of a TUSC account!

Vowel charts[edit]

Hello! Could you tell me how exactly do you make these vowel charts? Is there a tutorial somewhere? Also, how come you use Bitstream Vera – I think in its original form it doesn't have the IPA signs? Can the font you're using be DejaVu actually? How do I send you an image of Danish vowels so that you can make a chart for them?

Hi, I start with the template/example vowel chart which I made: File:IPA_vowel_trapezium.svg. Then I edit that with Inkscape, and copy the symbols around as needed, and edit the text. Good catch on the font... it is actually DejaVu Sans, not Bitstream Sans. And yes, it'd be great to make a chart of Danish vowels as well. Do you have an article/book reference for the source? Moxfyre (talk) 00:40, 28 May 2011 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Hello! Here it is: , on the first page. Symbols you'll need: ɛ, œ, œ̞, ø, æ, ɶ, ɒ, ʌ, ɔ, ɑ.

(from Kaiserküeche) Hello! I wanted to ask a similar question, how to know where to put accurately the dots on the vowel trapezium when knowing the F1 and F2 of the vowels? I am trying to build a vocal trapezium of my dialect ”Alsatian“ [1]. There is no academic source yet on exact pointing out where phonemes are located (it’s more theoretical studies, e.g. from Ernest Beyer or Marthe Philipp). Even if I can’t use it on Wikipedia because of the Own Work Policy, I would like to create it for my own pleasure. Thanks in advance.

Would you be willing to generate a new image? The current one is two years out of date now. Foxyshadistalk 04:32, 30 July 2011 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Updated... finally, only 2 years after your request. Better late than never, right? Moxfyre (talk) 19:03, 10 June 2013 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Catalan-Valencian-Balearic Vowel charts[edit]

Inaccurate Catalan vowel chart

Hi Moxfyre, sorry for intruding on your talk page. I just wanted to ask you whether you could help me to make some V charts for the main standards of Catalan. We could also fix the current Catalan chart, as it looks a bit inaccurate (it indicates a (stressed) mid central vowel phoneme that exists only in Balearic).

Catalan-Valencian-Balearic, a pluricentric language, can have 3 (even more) vowels diagrams according to phonetic studies done by Daniel Recasens (Fonética descriptiva del català, pp. 59-153, 1991).

Most Catalan dialects have a common (roughly similar) 7-vowel system, except for Balearic (only Majorcan & Minorcan) where an 8th (stressed) vowel phoneme exists. Algherese and Northern Catalan, in turn, have 5 vowels (roughly the same as Castilian, Aragonese and Sardinian); that is, in these dialects close/open-mid V merge into mid realisations.

Phonetic divergences between Central, Valencian and Balearic Catalan:

  • /a/ is central [ɐ / ä] in Central Catalan. In Algherese, some Central Catatan dialects and NW Catalan, /a/ is further retracted than in Castilian (and CCa). The same vowel, is slightly fronted/closed in Valencian [ä ~ ɐ], while it is further fronted/open (towards [æ / a]) in Majorcan & Minorcan.
  • /e/ and /o/ are slightly lower (a bit towards mid vowels) in Valencian, Majorcan and Minorcan than in Central Catalan.
  • /ɛ/ and /ɔ/ are lower (i.e. near-open vowels, [æ] and [ɔ̞ / ɒ], respectively) in Valencian, Majorcan and Minorcan.
  • Stressed schwa /ə/ only occurs in Balearic dialects (e.g. Majorcan).
Galician vowel chart

The Galician close-mid /e, o/ and open-mid vowels /ɛ, ɔ/ are pronounced somewhat like in Valencian & Balearic, except than open-mid vowels are slightly lower in Valencian/Balearic (i.e. near open vowels) and close-mid are just a bit higher than in Galician.

How many vowel diagrams could we have?

2 vowel charts (ignoring dialectal phonetic realizations; thus still inaccurate)

Central/Valencian (7 Vs) and Balearic (8 Vs)

3 vowel charts (ignoring minor varieties -Algherese/Northern Catalan-)

Central (7 Vs), Valencian (7 Vs) and Balearic (8 Vs)

4/5/6 vowel charts

Central/Barcelonan (7 Vs), Valencian (7 Vs), Balearic (8 Vs) and Algherese/Northern Catalan (5 Vs)

Perhaps you could help me? :P Best regard. —Jaume87 (talk) 00:53, 19 September 2011 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Hi Jaume87! Yeah, I could definitely fix the Catalan vowel chart and add versions for the different dialects. Do you have any source showing quadrilateral vowel diagrams for the three dialects you mentioned above? If not, I could try to estimate the vowel positions based on the descriptions you gave above. Do those come from the source you cited? (Fonética descriptiva del català) Moxfyre (talk) 15:51, 19 September 2011 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Hey, I didn't notice you answer back :P Yes, all this info comes from Fonètica descriptiva del català. Yes, it includes several vowel charts, but they are quite inaccurate, so we can't use them.. Nevertheless, the source explains quite well all relevant (phonetic) features of Catalan dialects.
Better summary of Recasen's phonetic descriptions:
  • Acoustic data of Central Catalan (CCa) vowels:
    • /i/: F1 250-300 Hz, F2 2000-2300 Hz, F3 2500-3000 Hz.
    • /e/: F1 350-400 Hz, F2 1800-2200 Hz, F3 2500-2800 Hz.
    • /ɛ/: F1 550 Hz, F2 1700-2000 Hz, F3 2400-2700 Hz.
    • /a/: F1 650-900 Hz, F2 1300-1450 Hz, 2350-2600 Hz.
    • [ə] (unstressed V): F1 500 Hz, F2 1400-1500 Hz, F3 2500 Hz. (should schwa go in parentheses in CCa?)
    • /u/: F1 250-350 Hz, F2 600-1000 Hz, F3 2200-2700 Hz.
    • /o/: F1 400-500 Hz, F2 700-1100 Hz, F3 2350-2700 Hz.
    • /ɔ/: F1 600-650 Hz, F2 800-1150 Hz, F3 2300-2700 Hz.
  • Vowel shifts:
    • /ɛ/ → [æ] (Valencian, Majorcan). According to source it is further lowered than in CCa.
    • /ɔ/ → [ɔ̞] (i.e. closer to [ɒ]) (Valencian, Majorcan). Further low than in Cca.
    • /e/ → towards [e̞] (Valencian, Majorcan). More open than CCa /e/.
    • /o/ → towards [o̞] (Valencian, Majorcan). More open than CCa /o/.
    • /e, ɛ/ → [e̞] (Northern Catalan, Algherese). According to Recasens, both /ɛ/ and /e/ approach to [e̞] in traditional Algherese, while they merge into [e̞] in Northern, modern Algherese and some Castilian and Catalan (& Aragonese and Catalan) border dialects.
    • /o, ɔ/ → [o̞] (Northern Catalan, Algherese). In traditional Algherese, both /ɔ/ and /o/ approach to [o̞], while they merge into [o̞] in Northern, modern Algherese, and some Castilian and Catalan (& Aragonese and Catalan) border dialects.
    • Unstressed [ə] → [ɐ] (Barcelonan). Further open than in standard CCa.
    • /a/ (phon. [ä ~ ɐ]) →
1) [ä ~ ɑ], is lower and more rectracted than the Castilian /a/ ([ä]) (some Central Catalan Varieties, Lleidan and Algherese)
2) [ä ~ ɐ], higher and more fronted than (1) (Valencian & La Franja Catalan)
3) [a ~ æ], further closed (higher) and fronted than (2) (Majorcan and Minorcan). (It doesn't merge with /ɛ/).
  • Dialectal phonemes:
    • /œ/: phon. a mid vowel [ø̞] (Northern Catalan). Only found in loanwords and interferences.
    • /y/ (Northern Catalan). Only found in loanwords and interferences.
  • Charts:
Central (exc. BCN) Majorcan Valencian Northern Algherese Barcelonan NW (exc. Arag) Notes
Vowel Front Central Back Front Central Back Front Central Back Front Central Back Front Central Back Front Central Back Front Central Back
High /i/ /u/ /i/ /u/ /i/ /u/ /i/·[y] /u/ /i/ /u/ /i/ /u/ /i/ /u/
High-mid /e/ /o/ /e/ /o/ /e/ /o/ /E/· [œ] /O/ /E/ /O/ /e/ /o/ /e/ /o/
Mid [ə] /ə/ [ə]

Low-mid /ɛ/ /ɔ/
/ɔ/ /ɛ/ /ɔ/ /ɛ/ /ɔ/ /ɛ/ /ɔ/
Near-low /a/ /a/  /a/
Low /a/ 
1) Sounds in brackets [ ] are either unstressed vowels (e.g. [ə]) or marginal phonemes (e.g. /y/, /œ/).
  • Use the current vowel diagram (File:Catalan_vowel_chart.svg) for standard Central Catalan ([ə] could go in parentheses).
  • Make either 2 or more vowel diagrams, for Valencian and Majorcan. I would like 6, but I think it would be too much. 2 are enough, I think :P
Feel free to do this at any time whenever you feel like, there is no rush :)
Many thanks!! Yours, Jaume87 (talk) 19:41, 15 December 2011 (UTC)Reply[reply]
BTW, Spanish doesn't have yet a proper vowel digram. Is it possible to convert File:Spanish vowels.png (or File:Spanish Vowel Formants Quilis&Esgueva1983.png) into a quadrilateral v chart? Jaume87 (talk) 19:41, 15 December 2011 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Hi! This is my first time replying here, sorry in advance in case this is not the proper way to go about it. I would like to ask what the source of the Galician vowel chart is (the one in trapezium form), as I think there may be some problems with the vowel placements there. I'm a native speaker or Galician and also a linguist (although phonology is not my main thing) and my knowledge of the vowel system of Galician does not exactly fit what I'm seeing in the chart. Perhaps I'm wrong, but I would like to know if perhaps I'm unaware of the academic source of the chart, or if there could in fact be some issues with it. As of right now the open-mid vowels are drawn in the lower portion of the trapezium, which would arguably classify them as open vowels. This would not be accurate if my information is correct. I would appreciate any info on the source or rationale of the current placement so I can get to work on improving it if necessary. Many thanks in advance :) -Alba 23:16, 5 June 2022 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Exactly which Galician vowel chart are you referring to? This one, File:Galician_vowel_chart.svg, or some other? As described in the metadata for that file, it's a straightforward conversion of File:Galician_vowel_chart.png, which in turn is taken from The Handbook of the International Phonetic Association, which in its 1999 edition has a chapter on Galician authored by Xosé L. Regueira.
Keep in mind Wikipedia's No original research policy. If you want to update the charts, you will need Reliable sources for the updates. — Moxfyre (t|c) 05:00, 6 June 2022 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Ask for permission of the image IPA vowel trapezium[edit]

Hi,I am writing on behalf of the Karabakh Foundation, a 501(c)3 cultural charity foundation that preserves and disseminates the cultural heritage and traditions of Azerbaijan, the Caucasus area, and the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan. I would like to request permission to use several images found on the book Azerbaijan 100 questions answered in an educational capacity. Specifically we request to use the images in an online educational exhibition entitled, Azerbaijan Artifacts, which presents information about coins, stamps, rug, architecture, and other artifacts related to Azerbaijan. In addition we would like permission to use the images in publicity related to the exhibition, on, and eventually perhaps in a physical exhibition. I am interested in using this image. It would perfectly help us convey the importance of Azerbaijani language, Azerbaijani sports and Horse. If this is acceptable, please let me know how to properly cite (by name, include website also, etc). Please contact me Thank you for your help.

ask for Processor families in TOP500 supercomputers python source code[edit]

Would you like to share the source code? please help,

It's at, and has been linked to from the pictures’ metadata pages for a very long time. — Moxfyre (t|c) 03:45, 7 May 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Ferry photograph[edit]

Moxfyre, I saw your image, File:Walla Walla WSF ferry.jpg, just now. Good work. It is an excellent illustration, in my opinion. Best wishes, Walter Siegmund (talk) 03:37, 8 July 2014 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Top 500 diagrams[edit]

Dear Moxyfyre,

not supporting SVG hatches is not a bug, because that is a SVG 2 feature--Kopiersperre (talk) 14:12, 20 July 2015 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Thanks @Kopiersperre: , but that wasn't the issue. Turns out it could be fixed by moving the pattern definitions to before the objects that used them :-) Commons:Graphics_village_pump#Issue_with_hashed_colors_in_SVG_imagesMoxfyre (t|c) 05:41, 21 July 2015 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Wafermap showing fully and partially patterned dies[edit]

Hello, I have a question after your File:Wafermap_showing_fully_and_partially_patterned_dies.svg. Why partially patterned dies should be patterned (printed) in manufacturing? Is there some "FAQ" or intro lecture about this? `A5b (talk) 15:54, 4 December 2015 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Wiki Science Competition 2017 closes on December, the 15th[edit]

Hi, "Wiki Science Competition" 2017 has started

It is a world event.
The upload phase in Asian, American and European countries without juries ends on December 15th.
Here you can find more details.

This is a manually inserted message for commons users with knowledge of the English language who are also globally active or who have uploaded images related to the competition's themes (science buildings, microscopic images, scientists, wildlife...).

#WSC2017 #WikiScience #WikiScience2017

Wiki Science Competition

--Alexmar983 (talk) 08:40, 8 December 2017 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Malayalam vowel chart[edit]

Can you make a Malayalam vowel chart too from [2]? AleksiB 1945 (talk) 14:23, 7 October 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]