KrinkleBot is a bot that keeps Commons:Auto-protected files up to date. Check last edits to determine whether the bot is working.


In case of Toolforge job failure edit

If the continuous fileprotectionsync process got stuck somehow within the Toolforge jobs system (wikitech:Help:Toolforge/Jobs framework), then follow the below instructions to get things back on track.

First, log in to the server.

$ ssh
$ become krinklebot

Then, inspect the logs. Were they recently modified?

$ ls -l fileprotectionsync.*
-rw-rw---- 1 tools.krinklebot tools.krinklebot 48719 Oct 14 22:52 fileprotectionsync.err
-rw-rw---- 1 tools.krinklebot tools.krinklebot 82040 Oct 14 22:52 fileprotectionsync.out

Check to see if there is a fileprotectionsync job scheduled or running:


$ toolforge jobs list
Job name:           Job type:               Status:
------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------------------------
fileprotectionsync  schedule: */10 * * * *  Last schedule time: 2023-09-19T01:50:00Z


$ toolforge jobs list
Job name:           Job type:               Status:
------------------  ----------------------  ---------------
fileprotectionsync  schedule: */10 * * * *  Running for 58s

If a job has been running for more than a few minutes, try restarting it:

$ toolforge jobs restart fileprotectionsync

If that doesn't work, or there is no fileprotectionsync job scheduled at all, reload the job.

$ toolforge jobs load ~/src/fileprotectionsync/jobs.yaml --job fileprotectionsync

The bot should now automatically resume within 10 minutes (per CronJob schedule).

Re-install edit


See also edit