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Maintenance edit

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Keep an eye on... Missing legal information Backlogs are fun
Protected edit requests (5) 52 Disputed copyright status (2) 17507 Copyright violations (9) 9
Requests for unblock (1) 0 Images with poor sources 357 Duplicate 0
Malformed deletion requests 0 No source (4) 39132 Other speedy deletions 0
Incomplete deletion requests - missing reason 0 Own work claimed 0 Non-free logos 1
Deletion requests - No timestamp given 0 PD images without reason 18 Unsourced reviewed Flickr images 0
Requested moves (all) (204) 0 PD tag needs updating (6) 48 Recent unfree Flickr images 0
© Free Use w/o Rationale 0 Possibly unfree Flickr images reviewed by FlickreviewR 0
No VRTS permission 21 Flickr images needing human review (12) 1931
Items missing VRTS ticket ID 0 Possibly unfree Flickr images (2) 0
Consent queried 33 Derivative works with broken file links 0
License review needed (54) 103806 Extracted images with broken file links 2227