Yoga District Community Archives | Yoga District Yoga, Mindfullness and Wellness in DC Mon, 04 Dec 2023 03:40:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Yoga District Community Archives | Yoga District 32 32 the present + Practice + Non-Attachment = Yoga Mon, 04 Dec 2023 03:37:28 +0000 If you’ve ever wondered about yoga philosophy and how we approach it in our teacher trainings, take a peak with Jasmine’s discussion of a central teaching from the Yoga Sutras. Find out how trying really hard and being without a care relate to your yoga practice. You might be surprised that yoga also traditionally points […]

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If you’ve ever wondered about yoga philosophy and how we approach it in our teacher trainings, take a peak with Jasmine’s discussion of a central teaching from the Yoga Sutras. Find out how trying really hard and being without a care relate to your yoga practice. You might be surprised that yoga also traditionally points us towards being present, which requires a bit more faith and receptivity than we might be used to. 

the present + practice + non-attachment = yoga 






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Yoga and peace Fri, 27 Oct 2023 23:51:23 +0000   Ever wonder how yoga relates to justice and peace? Check out a blog post by Yoga District founder Jasmine on how our yoga practice can serve as self care and as a practice of peace in its own right. From teachings of former Harvard Professor Ram Das to Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Emily Greene […]

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Ever wonder how yoga relates to justice and peace? Check out a blog post by Yoga District founder Jasmine on how our yoga practice can serve as self care and as a practice of peace in its own right. From teachings of former Harvard Professor Ram Das to Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Emily Greene Balch, you’ll explore a few simple ideas about how everyday life is full of opportunities to practice peace.


IS peace the point or the journey? 

Back in 2009 I asked Ram Das, former Harvard professor and author of Be Here Now (pictured here), how to love people who I considered political enemies. He told me:

“You’ll never find peace in the outside world. Just go inside, find peace, then become an instrument of peace.”

So next time you do some yoga, do it as an instrument of peace. Your practice is not just for you. It’s for everyone, everywhere, who deserves or needs that peace. It’s for peace itself.

Every time you practice in this way, it’s as if you’re making a little deposit in the universal bank account of peace. When you join a peace demonstration, when you are kind, when you eat vegan, when you don’t buy something you don’t need, when you speak truth to power, you’re making little deposits in the peace bank.

If you’re attached to achieving peace, you might find yourself upset with much of the results these days. But attachment to achieving peace isn’t the goal. Instead, like Nobel Peace Prize laureate Emily Greene Balch (pictured here) said, “Peace is the way.” So the goal is to peacefully fight for the fight for peace.

As always, thanks for sharing your practice with us, and please keep finding ways to contribute to peace. Be sure to do plenty of yoga as self care so you develop strong resilience to any ups and downs you have on the journey! 


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Teacher Feature: Meet Maylin! Mon, 02 Oct 2023 15:51:49 +0000  Meet Maylin, one of our teachers at Yoga District who focuses on accessibility, inclusivity, and healing practices. Learn about her journey with yin yoga and how she helps her students practice the best yoga for their bodies. Check out Maylin’s current class offerings at  Yin yoga features poses held for longer periods of time […]

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 Maylin adjusts studentMeet Maylin, one of our teachers at Yoga District who focuses on accessibility, inclusivity, and healing practices. Learn about her journey with yin yoga and how she helps her students practice the best yoga for their bodies. Check out Maylin’s current class offerings at

Yin yoga features poses held for longer periods of time compared to flow and other hatha yoga classes, and the practice incorporates principles of traditional Chinese medicine.  It’s a great way to do some deep, meditative stretches to develop real flexibility and mindfulness.

Yin Yoga Journey 

Maylin Teaching Class

I’ve been practicing yoga since college but had only done ashtanga/vinyasa classes. To rebuild my strength after an injury, I took a Yin/Yang class and discovered that I really loved the yin practice. Finding that yin teachers were in short supply, I did extensive yin yoga teacher training and even trained under its founders, Paul Grilley and Sarah Powers. 

Now, as a yin teacher, I love sharing my practice with others. Not only does this practice provide physical, energetic, and mindful benefits, it encourages each student to customize poses to their bodies (1). For example, in yin yoga, we can all be in slightly different poses when working on hamstrings. Each of us utilizes props as we see fit to support ourselves in our poses. Since we hold yin poses for several minutes, I have time to work with students individually to make their poses optimal for their bodies. 

Yoga for All

Maylin adjusting student

A lot of people tell me they can’t do yoga because they aren’t flexible, which is a huge misconception. My teacher Bernie Clark is famous for saying, “We do not use the body to get into a pose – we use the pose to get into our body.” I encourage people who haven’t tried yoga to not worry about looking “perfect” in a pose or whether they can touch their toes. Yoga is about getting in tune with body and breath. You may eventually find some mindfulness and energetic benefits as well. 

My yin yoga training has taught me a lot about skeletal variation. Everybody has a unique skeletal structure and we may need to adjust poses accordingly (2). For example, I have a long torso and short arms, so it’s impossible for me to touch my hips in the starting position of a bridge pose. I can come into a traditional bridge pose, but I’ve learned that I can get into a much deeper backbend and feel more supported with my feet further apart.

Our skeletal structures may also limit us when doing certain poses. For example, I admit that even as a yoga teacher, I cannot do a headstand because of the structure of my shoulders and length of my arms. In a supported headstand, I learned that my head was hitting the ground first just by a bit, which is why I could never figure out how to leverage my arms to support me in the inversion. In my classes, I incorporate teaching with skeletal variation (i.e. functionally). I will be pursuing more training in functional vinyasa and hope to share this approach when teaching vinyasa as well. 

Teaching Yoga

Maylin with StudentI love that I get to teach a variety of students in my classes. I strongly believe in making my yin and yin/yang classes accessible to all ages, body types, and conditions. It’s inspiring that so many students, particularly those with injuries and conditions, are willing to try my classes and trust me to guide them in their practice. 

In my classes, the top requests I get from students are to work on hips and shoulders. These areas carry a lot of tension and emotion in our bodies. Prior to COVID-19, I would often do some gentle adjustments and reiki on my students during yin poses. I feel my students’ energy change during child’s pose, figure four, or sleeping swan — a yin version of pigeon (3). They tend to release stress during shoulder openers, such as supported heart-opener, supported fish pose, or simply savasana (4 and 5).


    1. Benefits of Yin,
    2. A Lesson in Anatomy: Why Your Practice Won’t Look Like Anyone Else’s,
    3. Sleeping swan pose,
    4. Supported fish pose (Matsyana),
    5. Savasana,

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Remember to breathe Wed, 31 May 2023 19:33:00 +0000 Anya, a member of the Yoga District community, shares her powerful relationship with breathe and her journey to breath.   I grew up fearing my own breath and fearing my own body. As a child, I was raised with the kind of religion that espouses “if I die before I wake, I pray the Lord […]

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Anya, a member of the Yoga District community, shares her powerful relationship with breathe and her journey to breath.  

I grew up fearing my own breath and fearing my own body. As a child, I was raised with the kind of religion that espouses “if I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.” Now if you tell an obedient and anxious child these words to repeat then know that they will be internalized. This was the origin of my panic attacks. Each and every night, I feared when I fell asleep because I didn’t know if I would wake up. I didn’t know who would ultimately take my soul.

Breath in Yoga

In Sanskrit, the word for “self” and “breath” are the same: Atman आत्मन् 

In Hinduism, it also refers to our conception of soul

The practice of yoga is something deeply spiritual to me and my people. Although I have been a practitioner for nearly 10 years now, I did not fully understand the spirituality of yoga until very recently. The sacred and religious communion of mind and body, breath and stillness while harnessing internal heat and energy to achieve meditative mindfulness. Before now, when my yoga instructor uttered the words, “just keep breathing” or “focus on the breath and align each movement with it” then my internal dialogue amounted to not much more than “Bitch, please”. 

My Relationship with My Breathe

I was afraid of my breath. I was afraid of my body. There was something in recognizing the power of unionizing my body and mind that actively scared me. My breath becomes a foreign imposter to me when I experience panic attacks, bouts of hyperventilation, and surging waves of anxiety. It feels like it’s actively working against me, fighting my will and intention to feel the stress in my body.  Biologically, I know how my breaths of life-replenishing oxygen are valuable. Yet, it was something my body did without my voluntary control, without my permission, and without my knowledge. I don’t always want to be alive and that’s when my breath becomes my enemy. It’s a foreign, disconnected, and involuntary scientific process that I could not understand. 

Little did I know, my body was desperately trying to protect me. After being diagnosed with manifold chronic conditions and pain syndromes, I finally came to understand what my body was telling me with its pain signals. It was trying to stop me from falling off the ledge by sending a conscientious warning that I needed to slow down. I needed to breathe. Slowly but surely, an autoimmune illness would eat away at the lining surrounding my joints until they became ankylotic, dysfunctional, and excruciating.The connective tissue synovium became so inflamed that my joints themselves would begin to erode. Joint spaces were on their way to rupture, cartilage deteriorated until bone met bone in an unholy communion of pain, fissure, chronic inflammation, and irreversible damage. My disquieting pain was a canary in a coal mine, an omen of early demise which came 25 years too soon. A curse that plagued my family for generations and had finally found me. 

Struggling with Breathing

On average, we use 80% of our total lung capacity. This figure is lessened by our daily chaotic routines and schedules from our busy and stressful commute, workday, lack of adequate rest, lack of active diaphragmatic breathing and parasympathetic nervous system activation. 

My heart rate tends to rest near 110 beats per minute because my severe anxiety, restlessness, and drive to produce disables my nervous system from leaving its instinctual fight or flight response. Paradoxically, this means my body is not granted time to heal, time for the oxygen from my breaths to fully reach my extremities. Nor for my bloodstream to bring critical anti-inflammatory white blood cells to the joints in my hands, neck, back, and shoulders to repair the damage I consistently and involuntarily wreak. 

NatureMy body said: Resist the tugging in your chest (whether from excitement or anxiety, they maintain the same physical manifestation) that compels you to lean in closer, to breathe more quickly, and to get riled up. We need you to find a resting place, a glass of water, a gulp of air, we need you to finally let us stop and heal. 

“According to Hindu philosophy, the self or Atman is ultimately identical with the supreme reality of Brahman (the Hindu god of creation). Attaining Moksha means realizing this identity and becoming one with the divine. This state of oneness is characterized by a profound sense of peace, joy, and unity with all of creation.” 

– Alexandra Kesler

It occurred to me that I have been reticent in my role to return carbon dioxide to this earth, to return the gift of life that plants afford us on a temporary loan. With the expectation that we will hold up our end of the bargain to return the life-sustenance they grant us each and every moment. I haven’t been fully breathing. 

No Space to Breathe

We live in a world that deters rest, especially from people like me. From those who are multiply marginalized, who are BIPOC, queer, women and non-men, disabled, and who are not economically wealthy. Those who are also disempowered, overshadowed, overspoken, who are simultaneously overexploited and underappreciated. 

I was conditioned from a very young age, as a small child who knew death, grief, trauma, racism, and violence all too well that I needed to work 1,800 times harder than my peers to succeed. It was necessary to work 3 jobs, play 6 different sports, take 25 AP classes, volunteer for every opportunity that arose, win class awards, attain every scholarship, and graduate at the top of my class in order to simply rinse and repeat. My brain, body, and nervous system knew no rest, no peace, and no stillness. My friends joked about how I never slept or would fall asleep in the strangest places when exhaustion finally overtook me. My body had to forcibly step in and power me down. My peers would compete about who actually got the least sleep. As if this was a competition in fatigue, a prestigious medal to be won for chronic sleep deprivation, exhaustion, stress, and dysfunction. 

The world does not wish for us to rest, for us to realize our collective power and resist and destabilize the forces that be. Yet, this is precisely what must be done to save our planet, our bodies, our souls, and our minds.

Trying to Breathe

My hope in telling my story is that this reaches another small brown girl out there who fears her breath and body, and who fears her Atman. I want her to know that she is so powerful, so capable of a life replete with love, peace, fulfillment, rest, and joy. 

Listen when I say: I need you to honor your soul, your heart, your breath, your rest. Protect it and do not let anyone take it from you. 

I need you to finally let yourself breathe. 


I’ve been thinking a lot about lungs. 

My lungs 

The miracle of breath 

The sensation of oxygenation 

The beauty of functional






And for that, today I am grateful.

-Anya K.


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Life After Yoga Teacher Training Fri, 12 May 2023 18:40:48 +0000 If you’ve ever wondered what happens in yoga teacher training, take a sneak peak with Aaron. Now a leading instructor at Yoga District, Aaron recounts the closure of his yoga teacher training journey. Find out how he tackled the mountain of homework and how his first public yoga class went.  This is Aaron’s final story […]

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If you’ve ever wondered what happens in yoga teacher training, take a sneak peak with Aaron. Now a leading instructor at Yoga District, Aaron recounts the closure of his yoga teacher training journey. Find out how he tackled the mountain of homework and how his first public yoga class went. 

This is Aaron’s final story in a series of blog posts about his yoga teacher training journey. He hopes you gain some insight into what happens during yoga teacher training and if it might be something you would want to try yourself. 

Life After Yoga Teacher Training (YTT)

When I got back home after the last day of YTT, I took a moment to reflect. Absorb how much of a privilege it was to experience. The beauty of it all.  And how much of my life had revolved around it since the time I woke up, ate, slept, and socialized. It was all influenced by YTT. And now that it was over, I found myself wondering what to do next. 

I felt like a little bird standing on the edge of the nest for the first time. Unsure of how to navigate my journey to becoming a yoga teacher past the protective nurturing space that was YTT.  Albeit a bit scary, I was also excited by the opportunity to put what I learned into practice. As both a practitioner and teacher. Thankfully, the post YTT assignments gave me structure to do that exactly.

3 Sections of Post Training Homework

Yoga PoseThe post YTT homework assignments provided a framework for us to dive deeper into our studies of yoga while also giving us opportunities to put those studies into practice. This provided a systematic way to complete the requirements by Yoga Alliance for becoming a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT). 

After finishing the Post YTT homework, I realized that YTT provided me with the tools I needed to teach. That the post training homework gave me more time to practice using those tools. 

Since speaking with people who’ve done YTT at other studios, I’m under the impression that YTT assignments are handled differently everywhere. At Yoga District, it’s sectioned into three parts:

  1. Community Practices: This requires taking five yoga classes and observing five additional classes. Additionally, teaching five free community classes. Plus writing a draft blog post or short educational article that touches on something learned during teacher training.
  2. Self Practice: This section includes practicing and journaling consistently about: 
    1. – Doing a set asana sequence (1)
    2. – Doing a specific breathing and meditation practice
  3. Readings and Retention– This section includes several readings. Including books like The Heart of Yoga by T. K. V. Desikachar, The Bhagavad Gita by Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood, Yoga Anatomy by Leslie Kaminof (2,3,4,). 

YTT Homework: Self Practice Section

Yoga Teacher TrainingPost YTT homework doesn’t have to be done in order. So I delayed the community practices so I could have some time to work on the feedback from my fellow trainees and training teachers. Plus I wanted some time to just get back to having my own personal practice again.

So I started with the Self Practice section. The breathing and meditation portion of the self practice section included chanting, calming breath, alternate nostril breathing, Kapalabhati breathing, mantra meditation, and seedless meditation (5,6). When I started my day doing these practices, I noticed I was able to be more present in the moment. Additionally, I felt a sense of groundedness afterwards. 

For the asana portion, we’re recommended to practice either the Dharma or Power sequence. But I was able to get permission from Yoga District to study the Rocket 1 series instead (7). The Dharma and Power series are great. Yet in training, I was inspired by how much fun I had in the Rocket class taught by my teacher Blythe. Therefore I selected Rocket Yoga instead because I wanted to learn to sequence it so I could teach it.

Completed Yoga Teacher Training

IYoga Community’ve completed Yoga Teacher Training. I appreciate and love that my study of how to practice yoga and teach it to others will be a lifelong process. It’s an honor to be able to continue the ancient tradition of yoga as a teacher of it. While some people might interpret this as a job title that implies cueing people through an exercise. I see it as playing an active role in continuing the practices and teachings of yoga that have existed for thousands of years. 

I’m acutely aware of the stereotypical imagery that comes along with the words “yoga” and “yogi” as being out of touch with what society tells us is “important”. Although,direct experience has made me a firm believer in the power of yoga to improve mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing. I believe large external changes start from internal ones. With that in mind, it’s my goal that my practice of yoga and teaching of it will help play a role (however small) towards making a more peaceful, healthy, and happy world for all living beings. 

I’m aware of how much I have to learn to become the yoga teacher I wish to be eventually.  Although, I’ve reached a point where I think the best way to get there is to supplement my studying with actual teaching. My first official yoga class that I taught was an audition/interview class at Yoga District entitled “Flow Yoga Basics + Yin Stretching”. Based on the feedback from the students that attended, I could either be made an official Yoga District teacher or need to keep retaking the audition until the student feedback comes back positive enough.

The first class went pretty well. Was it perfect? No, but I was prepared and  did my best. I had made some improvements based on the feedback that I got from teacher training  so I looked forward to teaching again. Confident that with each class I teach that I would get better at effectively communicating the practices and teachings of yoga. Thereby better serving the people that attend my classes.

Becoming a Yoga Teacher

Yoga TeacherI hope to see you in class someday, if you’d like to join me in this quest of exploring yoga together. Either as the teacher. Or even cooler as one of your students, should you choose to do a Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) and embark on becoming a yoga teacher yourself someday. 

Aaron is a Yoga District teacher and also now part of our YTT teacher training faculty! Feel free to read his other blog posts that outline his YTT experience from start to finish.  If you might be interested in signing up for yoga teacher training then check out the dates for upcoming sessions.  



    1. Sequencing Fundamentals & Guidelines,
    2. The Heart of Yoga by T. K. V. Desikachar,
    3. Bhagavad-Gita: The Song of God,
    4. Yoga Anatomy by Leslie Kaminof,
    5. Kapalbhati Pranayama,,order%20to%20clear%20the%20nadis.
    6. Mantra Meditation,
    7. Rocket Yoga,

– Aaron C.


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Celebrating Feminist Yogis: Meet Maylin Sun, 12 Mar 2023 04:32:58 +0000 .  Join us, in celebrating Women’s History Month and feminist yogis! We honor female identifying yogis in our community by telling their stories. The diversity of their experiences helps represent the true narrative that yoga is for everybody. Yoga District tries to have safe inclusive spaces that are accessible for all to practice. Check out […]

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Join us, in celebrating Women’s History Month and feminist yogis!

We honor female identifying yogis in our community by telling their stories. The diversity of their experiences helps represent the true narrative that yoga is for everybody. Yoga District tries to have safe inclusive spaces that are accessible for all to practice.

Check out past posts that feature feminist yogis in our communityThis month we highlight Maylin’s story.


Yoga Pose for hips

I am an Asian American that grew up in California with immigrant parents and a socioeconomically disadvantaged background. As a first generation college student, I studied economics and sociology, and also pursued a Master in Public Policy. I moved to D.C. to work for the federal government, as I wanted to work in public service.

Another interest of mine is music. I sing in a DC area choir called Six Degree Singers (1). I obviously also love yoga and Yin Yoga makes me feel at peace.


Yoga Poses for hipsFor as long as I can remember, I had unusual periods that were long with bad cramps. Doctors shrugged it off as being a teenager and my mom would berate me for looking sick while I was on my period. It is built into us at an early age that it is taboo to talk about periods, pelvic pain, and women’s health in general. A study in 2019, found that cramps and heavy bleeding were linked to about 9 lost days of productivity for a woman every year. Also, that only 1 out of 5 women told their employer or school the real reason for their absence (2). 

Overtime, my premenstrual syndrome (PMS) started to last 2 weeks (3). My menstrual cycle would be 7 to 10 days with bad cramps (severe dysmenorrhea)and then there would still be pain afterwards (4). In total, it badly affected about 50% of my life but at least my periods came every 6 weeks versus 4 weeks. At that time in my life, vinyasa yoga felt like something I could do even during the bad days of my PMS and period.

Doctors put me through every type of birth control you could think of to try to manage the PMS and severe dysmenorrhea during my periods. They suspected an endometriosis diagnosis, which was later confirmed (5). Eventually, I developed chronic pelvic pain and fibromyalgia so vinyasa yoga didn’t always feel doable (6). I discovered a yin/ yang yoga class that became my sanctuary. It’s a hybrid of some flow followed by deep releases in long held floor based yin poses. The Yin Yoga practice in particular really helped to open up my lower body and improve pelvic pain. 


Yin Yoga helping with my pain ultimately inspired me to become a yoga teacher. I pursued my 200 Hour training at Yoga District. I have spent 500 hours of training with the top Yin teachers around the world, learning about: 

  • Anatomy and skeletal variation (7)
  • Myofascial release (8)
  • Meridians (9)
  • Meditation.

Warrior PoseI also pursued a Pelvic Floor Yoga teacher training program. This integrated my knowledge of Yin Yoga to find great releases for the pelvic floor, which often becomes tight if you have chronic cramps, dysmenorrhea, or other pelvic pain (10). Additionally vinyasa training has enhanced my understanding of how to strengthen the body as well. My yoga training and practice has empowered my body awareness with increased knowledge of my own body. Plus, it’s provided me with more tools for strengthening and releasing my body. Also, the commitment of showing up to teach every week helped me overcome the mental barrier that I couldn’t do vinyasa yoga when I was in pain.  

For those who are interested in teaching or deepening their practice, I am part of Yoga District’s 200 Hour Teacher Training Faculty.  If you’re looking to learn more about Yin Yoga or how to teach it then check out my 50 Hour Yin Yoga Teacher Training  over 3 weekends spread out from April 2023 to May 2023.



Being a feminist means having control over your body, advocating for your voice and others’ voices to be heard, while also supporting other women. Previous male acupuncturists that treated me had zero idea what it’s like to have debilitating periods. They were pushy about me getting off birth control since they viewed it as an impediment to my progress. For me being on birth control, that generally suppresses periods, is the only way I’ve been able to live my life and advance in my career. I still go to acupuncture on a weekly basis but I have simply chosen to see someone less judgmental and rigid on traditional chinese medicine protocols.


MYoga Class y goal in becoming a teacher is to share this practice and knowledge with others. I also want to facilitate a change that talking about pelvic pain is okay. The amount of self advocacy and entrepreneurship in putting together the care required would be a lot easier if we shared our experiences (good and bad). In honor of Women’s History Month and Endometriosis Awareness month,  I am again offering this free Yoga for Pelvic Pain workshop (March 19 at the 14th studio and online) (11,12). This year, like last year’ workshop, we also included a safe space for a discussion about Pelvic Health.  

I’ve had my journey with pelvic pain, yoga, and becoming a yoga teacher.  I want to empower, provide support, and be a resource for your journey.


You can find me in my weekly class offerings, where there’s a variety to choose from depending on your needs. If you’re interested in private sessions then you can fill out this form.

  • If you’re just looking for deep releases and to calm your body and mind then try my Friday Yin Yoga class (6:40 pm at Dupont and online).
  • Sunday’s Yin Yoga with Myofascial Release class will dive deeper into your body’s fascia and other deeper tissues (13). It also integrates tennis balls for self myofascial release (6 pm at Dupont and online).
  • Looking to balance out your body with gentle strengthening followed by deep releases then my Sunday Yin/Yang Yoga class is a great choice (12:45 pm at 14th street and online).
  • Friday ‘s Chill Flow 1-2 class is an ideal beginner friendly flow class to unwind from your week while bringing in some strengthening (5:20 at Dupont).
  • For a more strength-based flow where you can play with adapting poses for your body then Sunday’s Flow 1.5 to 2 class is a perfect option (4:45 pm at Dupont and Online).


  1. Six Degree Singers,
  2. Period pain linked to nearly 9 days of lost productivity for a woman in a year,
  3. Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS),
  4. Dysmenorrhea,
  5. Endometriosis,
  6. Fibromyalgia,
  7. Functional Yoga: When Is Alignment Important?,
  8. Myofascial Release,
  9. The Relationship Between Yin Yoga and the Meridians,
  10. The hypertonic pelvic floor,
  11. Women’s History Month,
  12. Endometriosis Awareness month,
  13. Fascia, 


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Celebrating Black Yogis: Meet Allison Thu, 16 Feb 2023 05:27:21 +0000 One of the ways we celebrate Black History Month is by sharing stories about Black yogis in the community. Not only does this help you get to know a fellow yogi better, but it can also help disrupt a certain American image of who yoga is for. Yoga is for everybody, which is why Yoga […]

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One of the ways we celebrate Black History Month is by sharing stories about Black yogis in the community. Not only does this help you get to know a fellow yogi better, but it can also help disrupt a certain American image of who yoga is for. Yoga is for everybody, which is why Yoga District tries to have inclusive spaces that are accessible for all.

Check out past posts that feature black yogis in our community. The history of black yogis in America is entwined with the civil rights movement. Black people, in the 1950s possibly earlier, were practicing yoga and adopting non-violent practices also called ahimsa. Learn more about the history of Black yogis in America in our post, Celebrating Black Yogis: Then and Now.


This month we highlight Allison C.’s story. 


I feel fortunate to realize that I liked yoga by taking a Black teacher’s classes at a gym. However, I was super intimidated when I decided that I wanted to start going to a studio. It was more than 10 years ago and I think I just started googling until I found Yoga District. Yoga has been a special part of how I keep coming home to myself. Over the years, there are weeks where I have practiced everyday and months at a time that I didn’t touch my mat. But all along the poses, the breathwork, the deep connectivity to people and also the planet have been my conduit to restabilize and get present. I am so grateful for it.


Being a perpetual student. Always learning and practicing. I’m not ever perfecting but just trying again.


Allison C. on the Sidewalk

I’m Black and more specifically African-American. My ancestors were enslaved to Virginia and South Carolina. I feel deeply connected to the entire Diaspora.


I like yoga but I love being Black. I’m grateful to have grown up with a deep connection to my own history. I often think about how much choice and freedom I have compared to many of my ancestors.


I think “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing” and Black History Month programs at the local library in my hometown. I know it can be dangerous and tokenizing but I also know it can be celebratory.


Octavia Butler inspires me. Her certainty about her own success and her skill in clearly seeing the future makes me want to invest in my own creative process. She reminds me that our success is based on the goals we set for ourselves and our own commitment to consistently use our talents.


Hmm, I haven’t thought about it before. I just am that.


Mostly good. When I started there weren’t a lot of other Black people but I never felt alienated like I have at other studios. I don’t know if I would still be doing yoga if it weren’t for Yoga District.


Be honest about whether or not that is a goal and then act accordingly.


It’s 100% since I’m the Director of Equity, People, Inclusion and Culture at the Working Families Party. Yoga helps me to be deeply connected to myself and to remember my own humanity as I remember others. It helps me to be authentic, to trust my colleagues and to show up for them emotionally and physically.


To think more deeply about how we would truly act if we were invested in being in community. I’m conflicted about this, because I do think there should be space for yoga that is not necessarily location bound. Yet even in that case there are always ways that we can support and connect to each other. There are always more ways that we can do love for ourselves and each other. 




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MLK Day and Yoga Service Tue, 17 Jan 2023 18:40:06 +0000 Yoga philosophy teaches that it’s an essential aspect of the practice to serve others. So it’s natural for dedicated practitioners to celebrate MLK Day with continued acts of service. Check out some inspiring quotes on service from Martin Luther King Jr and yoga guru Swami Sivananda. For ideas on how to serve others in the […]

The post MLK Day and Yoga Service appeared first on Yoga District.

Yoga philosophy teaches that it’s an essential aspect of the practice to serve others. So it’s natural for dedicated practitioners to celebrate MLK Day with continued acts of service. Check out some inspiring quotes on service from Martin Luther King Jr and yoga guru Swami Sivananda. For ideas on how to serve others in the DMV, we have a list of resources and links to get you started.

inspiring quotes from MLK jr and swami sivananda

“We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”- Martin Luther King, Jr  

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’”-  Martin Luther King, Jr. 

“By doing service you purify your heart. Egoism, hatred, jealousy, the idea of superiority and all the kindred negative qualities will vanish. Humility, pure love, sympathy, tolerance and mercy will be developed. The sense of separateness will be annihilated. Selfishness will be eradicated. You will get a broad and liberal outlook on life. You will begin to feel oneness and unity. Eventually you will obtain knowledge of the Self. You will realize “One in all” and “all in One”. You will feel unbounded joy.” – Swami Sivananda

get started

Mutual AidThere are many government and nonprofit organizations with projects happening locally that are looking for volunteers on MLK Day and beyond. You can also participate in mutual aid for a more localized grass roots approach . Mutual aid groups are run by organizers and volunteers who respond to the articulated needs of their community. These groups are rooted in the belief that those on the front lines have the wisdom to solve the problems, and that collective action is the way to make it happen. By creating a space where people can come together to address a shared need despite different lived experiences, we can build solidarity and create lasting change. Check out our guide to Mutual Aid to learn how you can join a mutual aid network in your community.

yoga district / activist gives back

community-run yoga centers, Yoga District is committed to providing diverse, accessible, affordable yoga to all. We want to be a safe space in the community when anyone feels like they can explore their yoga journey. Offering a sliding scale, the ability to pay is not a factor in accessing our classes. Many also join our work-study program to become community volunteers who also take unlimited free yoga classes. Funds from Yoga District classes are directed to its non-profit Yoga Activist, which supports trauma-sensitive yoga outreach trainingsyoga mat donations, and community outreach classes. Thanks for your support of our mission to serve diverse communities through yoga and wellness education!

By Charon K and Jasmine C.





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TEACHER FEATURE: MEET Nicole Thu, 15 Dec 2022 01:07:30 +0000 Meet beloved Yoga District teacher Nicole S. She has been teaching yoga for seven years and her experience really shines through in her classes. To help her students be their best she offers tailored options, meditative cuing, and facilitates a grounding atmosphere. Nicole leads well-loved classes at the Dupont and 14th Street studios. Check out […]

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Meet beloved Yoga District teacher Nicole S. She has been teaching yoga for seven years and her experience really shines through in her classes. To help her students be their best she offers tailored options, meditative cuing, and facilitates a grounding atmosphere. Nicole leads well-loved classes at the Dupont and 14th Street studios. Check out her full schedule at


MudraOn a whim, I tried my very first yoga class in a gym. I never realized how much it would transform my life. When I first learned about yoga and thinking that it was nothing more than “stretching”. I felt better than expected in that first yoga class. I was more grounded, balanced, and rejuvenated mentally as well as physically. That alone was enough for me to try it again. 

Generally, my San Francisco-based teachers would guide me through: 

  • Immersive practices
  • Intention setting
  • Devotional chanting
  • Philosophy sharing. 

Through regular practice, I started to discover the healing, calming, and spiritual aspects of yoga. After many years of practicing and teaching, yoga is now a lifestyle. I can’t imagine my life without it!


Yoga Pose on the Beach

Teaching yoga is my dharma and makes me feel deeply connected, grateful, and inspired(1)! As a yoga teacher, I love curating a memorable experience for my students that creates vibrations of peace and conscious awakening.

My time on the mat has led me to act differently and think more positively while navigating life’s uncertainties off the mat. I wish for others to access, experience, and benefit from yoga in the same ways that yoga has enriched my life. 



My favorite style of yoga to teach is Kundalini because it’s designed to help practitioners elevate their energy, strengthen their mind, and access their true nature (called “Sat Nam” in Sanskrit) (2). I love how “holistic” the practice is by integrating: 

  • Mudras (hand gestures)
  • Mantras (a word, phrase, or sound repetition) 
  • Pranayama (breathwork)
  • Kriyas (quick, repetitive movement). 

Teacher Feature Yoga PoseWhile I find Kundalini to be the most challenging style of yoga yet it offers many benefits and applications to our modern world. It’s a little different but definitely worth trying!

I love to guide students through a pose called woodchopper (or Kashtha Takshanasana in Sanskrit). 

  1. On the inhale, you stand in a wide-legged pose with hands interlaced overhead.
  2. Squat lowering fist between legs while on the exhale audibly emptying air from the abdomen.
  3. Basically to perform this Kundalini-style, you can imagine you are holding an axe and chopping through something in your life that does not serve you. Do this repetitive manner usually for one to three minutes. 
  4. The movement of the arms in a swinging motion helps to increase blood flow, boost energy, and reduce stress from the body and mind. 

Students have shared that this kriya has had profound effects when combined with the intention of slaying or transforming stagnation. It’s truly liberating!


  1. What is Dharma?,
  2. Kundalini Yoga,

The post TEACHER FEATURE: MEET Nicole appeared first on Yoga District.

yd wellness policy update Sat, 12 Mar 2022 18:53:29 +0000 Our wellness policy requires full vaccination to attend any studio class with us. Due to seasonal allergies on the rise, if you’re sniffling due to allergies you’ll need to wear a mask- even if the class you’re attending is mask optional. Thanks for keeping the community safe!

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Our wellness policy requires full vaccination to attend any studio class with us. Due to seasonal allergies on the rise, if you’re sniffling due to allergies you’ll need to wear a mask- even if the class you’re attending is mask optional. Thanks for keeping the community safe!

The post yd wellness policy update appeared first on Yoga District.
